How effective is social media marketing? Well, we could tell you that it’s super worthwhile, but why not show you how effective it is instead?
Never has a story better demonstrated the sheer power of social media than that of Petersfield Bookshop. A story that we at Source PR have had the pleasure of following right from the beginning, and one that we’ve really enjoyed watching unfold.
It started like this…
Petersfield Bookshop – The Power Of A Tweet
Not a single book sold today…
We think this maybe the first time ever…
We know its miserable out but if you’d like to help us out please find our Abebooks offering below, all at 25% off at the moment….”
This was the tweet put out by @The_PBS, better known as Petersfield Bookshop, on the 14th January this year. We doubt whoever sat down to type it would have known just how much of an effect it would have.
Thanks to the ever-gladdening honourability of Twitter and the general tenderness of the British public, a few months down the line and the Bookshop is not only surviving but thriving.
The tweet caught the attention of many and managed to rack up a little under 20,000 likes, supported by 9300 retweets. It attracted not only many verified accounts who further spread the notion that you should support small businesses, but also attained worldwide media coverage too.
It really has been a snowball effect; and is a true testament to just how powerful social media marketing and the right media exposure can be.
We may complain about the internet sometimes, but despite all its flaws, it really does have its advantages too. How effective is social media marketing? We think this short Twitter story demonstrates that it is entirely effective, when gotten right. Who can disagree with that? This story is just one glowing example of many.
Petersfield Bookshop went from having literally no customers on a single day, to having orders placed all around the world, along with an abundance of well-wishes and attentive followers.
Knowing exactly how to retain their audience too, the Twitter account manager for Petersfield has done an excellent job of keeping interested parties up to date. From charming acknowledgments to those who’ve supported the small business, to endearing posts that update us on how the store is doing now.
We for one hope they never stop!
How Effective Is Social Media Marketing?
Adding to the engagement enjoyed on social media, the business has also seen quite a significant uplift in Google searches too. Thanks in no small part, we would presume, to the virality they relished just a few weeks ago.

But perhaps what we love most about this whole affair, is that thanks to the updates on social media, you can actually really see and feel the benefits of the social media engagement that the Bookshop enjoyed. If you’re ever looking to answer the question “how effective is social media marketing?” then here’s your case study.
Not only is this total proof that social media truly works, but it’s also just so fantastic to see. We at The Source really love to see any small business burgeoning.
Here’s to one of our absolute favourite Twitter stories of all time, long may Petersfield Bookshop continue to prosper and demonstrate how effective social media marketing is.
Are you looking for assistance with your social media marketing? You’re in the right place. Get in touch to find out how The Source can strengthen your reputation and grow your social presence. Or, why not check us out on social media?
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This blog was adapted by PR Executive Jessica Pardoe from her personal PR blog.