Social Media Trends That May Dominate 2024

Social media is an ever-evolving landscape, and each year brings new trends and changes (as well as a fair share of challenges for us social media agencies!) With just a few months to go to 2024, we wanted to get ahead of the curve and make our predictions as to what trends will shift in the social media sphere – so we can start preparing for them!

Trend #1 – ‘Meta Verses’, VR And AR

Something that’s really exciting is the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) on social media. With Meta (formerly Facebook) leading the way, it’s thought that soon, users will be able to interact in shared virtual spaces and even attend virtual events. Is this something we need to think about in a social media strategy for 2024?

At the moment, the use of AR and VR on social media is still in its early days – however, ideas for virtual tours of our client’s show homes, and virtual conferences for some of the businesses we work with have already begun buzzing around our brains. Let’s see what happens next year.

Trend #2 – Long-Form Content Creation

Content creation (a service that we offer now at Source PR) has been growing for the past two years, especially when it comes to using Instagram Reels for businesses.

It’s not breaking news to say this should continue into 2024 and beyond, but something we think will make more of a comeback is long-form content shared through these platforms. Think: explanation videos, tips and tricks, even stories. Already we’ve seen creators racking up the views with this kind of content, and with maximum video lengths being extended to 10 minutes on TikTok, it’s not a crazy leap to make. Instagram are yet to follow suit, with their maximum video length still at 90 seconds – do we think they’ll make it longer?

It’s worth noting, though, that long-form content will only work for a certain type of client, and one that you know will have an engaged audience. For most B2C social strategies and with clients wanting far-reaching content, short, snappy videos work the best. 15-30 remains the optimum length by our book!

Trend #3 – AI… (Maybe!)

If you look up social media trends for 2024 now, it’s hard to get through a piece without AI being mentioned in some capacity. But are we worried it will take our jobs? Nah!

ChatGPT and other similar tools have certainly risen in popularity, and agencies have been trialling and testing them for a while now. Hardcore believers will say that AI can replace the person at the other end of the laptop, typing up social media content, but we think that will never happen.

Though clever, we don’t believe that AI can ever truly replace the human emotion and empathy that goes into social media management. Plus – we can’t see robots heading out to film your Reels and TikTok videos any time soon, can you?!

Trend #4 – Sharing Sustainable Initiatives

As the world grapples with more environmental issues by the year, we’d like to think we’ll see more businesses adopting and sharing eco-friendly practices and promoting sustainability.

We’re lucky enough to work with some great, pioneering businesses in the sector and also have clients that are open to our suggestions on how they can become greener and communicate it to the world too.

Trend #5 – Better Ephemeral Content

Content that is only around for 24 hours or less, also known as Ephemeral content, started with Snapchat but has been stolen by Stories. Including Instagram Stories in your social media strategy is not a new thing, but we think long may it continue into 2024 and beyond. We love collaborating with our clients to bring you ‘here and now’ content that goes on to Instagram Stories and actively promotes what a business is up to, or what they’re all about.

We hope to see more interactive elements and widgets introduced and think that ‘shoppable stories’ will become more prevalent as this feature moves out of infancy and is used more often by companies.

Trend #6 – Regulation And Accountability

And finally, as social media continues to influence society, we are all responsible for the content we put out there. Platforms like X (formerly Twitter) are doing a lot more to banish ‘fake news’, and in other news the ASA continues to put pressure on influencers to declare sponsorships and collaborations.

We think we’ll see more of this into 2024 and will continue to always make sure we’re following the latest guidelines and putting out genuine, authentic and honest content for our clients.


We hope this blog gave you some more progressive social media trends for 2024 than the usual ‘younger audiences’, ‘TikTok trends’ and ‘updated algorithms’ roundups. What do you think? What quirky trend do you think will dominate social media as we head to a new year? Always happy to chat on Twitter, you can reach me (Jess) directly at @jessicapardoePR.

Why Is Press Coverage So Important For A Business?

Being featured in newspapers, magazines, on radio and TV is an unparalleled win for a business. It’s a remarkable way to cultivate influence, establish yourself in your industry, and amplify brand awareness. However, many smaller businesses often face challenges in terms of both knowledge and time when attempting to establish their presence.

The good news is that with a dash of knowledge and a PR team behind you, together we can master your media coverage journey.


The Power of Press Coverage

Press coverage can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. It’s like an amplifier that broadcasts your achievements, products, and stories to a wider audience. From boosting brand visibility and credibility, to attracting potential clients and investors, press coverage opens doors that might otherwise remain closed.

In today’s digital age, press coverage has transcended traditional print and broadcast mediums. Online articles, social media shares, and digital platforms give your story an extended shelf life. A well-placed article can generate a ripple effect, as readers share, comment, and engage with your content across the vast expanse of the internet. This amplification can drive organic traffic to your website, expand your online presence, and spark conversations that can shape your brand narrative.

Navigating the Time Maze

Crafting compelling press coverage takes time – time that many business owners often find themselves lacking. This is where a skilled PR team shines. We’re your dedicated time-savers, using our expertise to define and target the most appropriate media outlets for your business. Your focus remains on your core operations, while we work tirelessly to ensure your story gets the attention it deserves.

And when the opportunity for coverage knocks, timing is crucial. A PR team is prepared to seize these moments without hesitation. They have the flexibility to scale their efforts based on the urgency of the situation, whether it’s a breaking news story, a product launch, or an industry event. By having a team dedicated to monitoring, strategizing, and executing press opportunities, you ensure that no chance for impactful coverage slips through the cracks.

Pitch Perfect Strategy

The art of pitching is where a PR team truly shines. In a world where attention spans are shorter than ever, conciseness is key. A pitch that rambles on risks losing the attention of time-strapped journalists. A PR team understands the art of concise communication, distilling your story into a punchy yet informative message that grabs attention from the first sentence. Every word is carefully chosen to convey your story’s essence without overwhelming the reader.

We craft pitches that resonate with journalists and editors, focusing on what makes your story relevant, unique, and newsworthy. By tailoring our approach, we increase the likelihood of your story catching their eye and earning a place in their publication.

Tapping into the Right Connections

Ever heard the phrase “it’s not just what you know, but who you know”? In the world of PR, this rings true. Our extensive network of media contacts spans different industries and locations. This means we know exactly who to approach for specific topics, giving your story a higher chance of being picked up by the right people in the right places.

The Follow-Up Game

Getting a pitch accepted is just one step in the process. The follow-up is where the magic happens. We don’t just send a pitch and cross our fingers; we meticulously follow up, nurturing relationships and addressing any concerns. Our persistence ensures that your story remains on the radar until it’s a published reality.

Managing Expectations, Delivering Results

Here at Source PR, we believe in transparent communication. Managing client expectations is a cornerstone of our approach. While we work thoroughly to secure press coverage, it’s important to remember that not every pitch will result in an immediate feature. Sometimes, it’s about timing, the news cycle, or the angle. Rest assured, we’re committed to continuously refining our strategy and delivering tangible results.


In conclusion, press coverage is a potent tool that can elevate your business to new heights. Yet, navigating the complex world of media requires finesse, time, and an insider’s perspective. A dedicated PR team like ours can be your guiding light, ensuring your stories are strategically targeted, perfectly pitched, and relentlessly pursued. By enlisting our expertise, you gain more than just press coverage – you gain a partner dedicated to propelling your business forward.


Ready to take the plunge and harness the power of press coverage? Contact us today and embark on your new PR journey with Source.

Should You Be Using Instagram Reels For Your Business?

Social media is an ever-changing landscape, in our 15 years of Source PR we’ve seen the content we produce and for what channels change time and time again – it’s a tough job to keep on top of it, but that’s what we’re here for!

The past few years have seen the resurgence of video on social, and it’s back bigger and better than ever before. Thanks to the popularity of TikTok and the introduction of Instagram Reels, platforms, especially Meta, are now favouring this type of content even more than static images – so it’s essential that they form part of your social media strategy.

A Little About Instagram Reels

Instagram launched Reels in 2020 in the UK, following the ubiquity of TikTok in most people’s lives – Meta knew they had to compete. Following a steady launch, as of 2023 it’s thought that Reels reach 2.35 billion people each month internationally, and that’s not just the Gen Z-ers either! Though the 18–34-year-old market makes up over 60% of the share of users, 16.1% fall into the 35-44 age bracket and almost 6% of users are over 55.

Currently, Reels get 22% more interaction on Instagram than standard videos, and we don’t doubt that before long… These stats will be similar if not stronger than for typical images. The future is in motion. Which is why at Source PR, we’re taking FULL advantage.

Why You Should Use Instagram Reels For Business

Some businesses, especially those that are B2B, may think that Instagram Reels are not suitable for their business – but we like to think you can make them work for any trade. There are plenty of benefits to using Instagram Reels for businesses (even without advertising) that include:

  1. They add a depth to your content, videos tend to show more than still images
  2. Reels are favoured by Meta’s algorithms, meaning they can reach more people
  3. Popular music means you can create shareable content that’s reactive to trends
  4. Visual appeal of products and services can be enhanced by Reels
  5. You get more user time to show off to your customers… According to recent data, feed videos that perform best are around 26 seconds

How To Add Instagram Reels To Your Social Strategy

It’s imperative with social media that you move with the times, whether that’s exploring new channels such as Instagram Threads, or ensuring that your content is as dynamic as possible on established platforms, for example, by introducing video content to your pages.

But how do you go about doing that? Because it sure isn’t an easy or quick process!

Instagram Reels For B2C Companies

Naturally, Instagram is a platform that lends itself better to consumer-centric companies, it’s very visually focused which works brilliantly with companies that have great products and services to show off. For clients in travel, hospitality, health and beauty etc., Reels will effortlessly fit into your business. Consider the steps below;

  • Create a plan thinking about what your customers would like to see more of – can you give them show-around tours of your business, demonstrate key features of your product, highlight results and testimonials from happy customers?
  • Utilise trending audio and don’t be scared to get creative and take risks with what you pick! Due to licensing, the music that can be used on business accounts, but there are still ways to find popular songs and sounds
  • Work with a content creation business so you don’t end up spending all of your time capturing and editing content. It’s a good idea to leave it up to professionals who understand what your customers want to see, and how to get it to them
  • Don’t be afraid to think outside the box – do you have team members up for jumping on the latest trend? Great! This is the kind of video that tends to get the best kind of interaction on both Instagram and on TikTok too

Instagram Reels For B2B Companies

While creating Instagram Reels for B2C businesses may be an easier feat, it doesn’t mean that if you sell directly to businesses, that you shouldn’t give it a go! B2B content can be extremely satisfying for users to engage with, as well as helpful to your potential customers. Because you’re still selling to real people at the end of the day.

Think about what your business has that could have visual appeal, do you work with printers or interesting machinery? You’d be surprised at what can work and what people find interesting – from videos of hydraulic presses and scraping wax from industrial machines, anything goes when it comes to Instagram Reels and TikToks

  • Ask the advice of those who work in social content creation, as they’re sure to know what works on these channels already, and what kind of trends your business can get involved in
  • Acknowledge what your customer might like to see – could you produce ‘how to’ or FAQ videos for people in the consideration stage of the customer journey, that could help them to make a final decision to purchase?
  • Your business is more than just the products you sell or services you provide… Showcase the people behind the brand and the way you work day in, day out. People buy people after all

Start Content Creating For Your Business

Instagram Reels are only going to get more popular, so if you haven’t started dabbling already, now is the time! At Source PR we’ve been developing our expertise in this area and now work with several clients on content creation. If you’d like to pick our brains, we’re here to chat! You can get in touch via our website.

Our BrightonSEO Spring 2023 Takeaways

Last week, we packed our bags for another fun-filled trip to the seaside for the world’s largest gathering of search marketeers, BrightonSEO, an event dedicated to “helping search marketers meet, learn, and do their jobs a little better.”

As many of you will know, traditional PR and all that it encompasses is our bag at Source PR, however we also offer digital services, and social media is part of our core offering.

So, every year we try to head down south for a good dose of networking, and also to make sure our industry knowledge is the most up-to-date it could be. With speakers from all over the world in some of the biggest digital companies around, we sure got our fill of knowledge (and fun along the way too!) this month.

Below are some of our top takeaways from 2023’s Spring BrightonSEO and how we plan to apply them to the PR and social media world. Back to business!

Digital PR And Its Place In Traditional

Firstly, as we do with every BrightonSEO blog that we write here at Source PR, we want to remind you about digital PR and how it has its place within the more traditional sectors of the industry.

Digital PR is prominently focused on building relevant backlinks to a website for SEO purposes, and whilst this is an important exercise endorsed by the likes of Google-whizz John Mueller himself, we like to make our PR efforts work harder. So, whilst digital is one of our focuses, we find it works best when bedded in with a solid social media strategy and more traditional PR activity such as events, features, interviews, and CSR initiatives too.

That’s the future as we see it, and it’s an exciting place to be.

10 BrightonSEO Takeaways For The Traditional World

#1 – Video Should Be Considered In Every Marketing Strategy

Azeem Ahmad kicked off the Online PR fringe event (a day dedicated to PR before the main conference) with a compelling and actionable talk on video and its place in modern-day marketing. Not only did we leave with pages and pages of notes on how to implement this kind of content into our strategies for clients, but we were also reminded that there are different kinds of users on every website and we need to figure out what our audience is first before looking into content creation.

For example, users who have a low scroll rate but spend longer dwelling should be targeted with videos at the very top of the page, whereas people with an average scroll and session time should be targeted with key facts and figures in shorter, consumable bursts of content.

#2 – Every Brand Needs A Story

We like BrightonSEO because it always assures us of the synergy between traditional PR and digital, and how the former is critical to the latter’s success. PR is all around building a compelling brand, and without this, Sudhana Singh says your marketing efforts are fruitless. In a captivating talk on how to use the Imbue Model to craft a legendary story, we were given examples on what to base your brand on such as…

• Is it a quest to achieve a goal?
• Do you have a coming-of-age tale?
• Has your brand been on a voyage and returned?
• Can you create a comedy from your story?

…And we were also shown how to directly communicate your choice from the above to customers. This was one of the first talks we saw at BrightonSEO and both the nature of the talk and the talent of the speaker really stuck with us!

#3 – It’s Time To Take TikTok Seriously

We’ve long banged the drum of TikTok’s impact on marketing here at Source, so naturally we headed to several talks on this over the course of the three days we spent in Brighton. From SEO-tips for optimising our TikTok captions and content from Carrie Rose, to understanding the share of audience the platform holds, our brains are now jammed full of ways to utilise this social media moving forward. Some of the tips we learned from Carrie to help your videos rank in TikTok included:

• Include your keyword in your caption, but don’t stuff it in unnaturally!
• Mention the keyword in the first 1-5 seconds of the video (and use CC)
• Utilise 3-6 hashtags as TikTok recognises spammy hashtag-ing

We were even shown how Google is starting to pull TikTok videos into SERPs, indicating that this kind of short-form, informative video content is what users want! Naturally we also came away with some handy tools to download, such as Sophie Warner’s suggestion to use the TikTok Trends Slack App, developed by Journey Further.

#4 – Creators Are The Future!

Leading on from the above… A theme across several TikTok-themed talks was that you don’t necessarily have to be a whizz at the app yourself because the value content creators have only continues to grow in this industry. We do a lot of influencer marketing at Source PR, so we were glad to hear that third party endorsements are still popular in the marketing industry.

In Sophie’s talk, she quoted that “62% of consumers are more likely to click on content that features creators” over traditional branded ads, and Carrie enforced that the best trust and authority is gathered with a mix of press and content creator testimonials. Music to our ears!

#5 – Consumption Trumps Creative Brainstorming

The mastermind behind viral campaigns reaching all over the WORLD: we knew we had to catch Mark Rofe’s talk at BrightonSEO. He covered the importance of consumption in PR, how curiosity and just generally always keeping one eye on what’s going on in the world is far better for generating ideas than forcing unprompted brainstorms.

He also stressed the importance of compartmentalising this though, and not trying to consume everything – just what’s relevant to your brand.

How can you do this in a healthy way? Set up alerts, check Google news regularly but change the dates and use keywords to only get stories that are applicable and think outside the box as to how your clients can get involved in the latest social trends! A key takeaway for us, was the reminder that the news cycle repeats itself – so you can always prep in advance. Every year there will be stories on cancelled flights, heatwaves and national holidays for example. Can you think of a creative way to involve your clients and pitch in ahead of the game?

#6 – Stop Chasing Google, Chase Users

Another point made by Carrie Rose was short but impactful, and it was this: most search marketers are chasing Google and their next big move, but in reality, Google are chasing users, so why aren’t we doing the same? At Source PR, we operate direct B2B and B2C marketing, so we are always thinking of the end user. It’s reassuring to know this practice translates across to SEO too and is the best way to achieve the best results.

#7 – Happy Teams = Best Results

While we always come away with lots of practical knowledge from BrightonSEO, we make sure to get some talks on management and mental health scheduled in too. Happy teams make for a happy agency, after all. Sean Butcher talked us through the ideal employee onboarding process, and how managers should be involved from the very first day – making connections with new team members even before they begin their new role officially, and Ian Benjamin relayed some advice on how to better market opportunities within your agencies, which included illustrating day to day life through creative content and not just focusing on the black and white of the job you’re offering.

#8 – There Are Many Ways To Integrate Equality In Your Marketing

Equally important to the above to us, was attending talks on diversity and equality in marketing. We had a good fill of these sessions over the 3 days that we were at BrightonSEO, including a powerful slot which was seamlessly run by what we are now calling the ‘dream trio’: Azeem Ahmad, Fabio Embalo and Andi Jarvis. We took away a whole load of points on how to improve our marketing strategies in the name of equality, with one of our most helpful takeaways being these guidelines on inclusive language from Azeem. Admittedly, many of us in the room that day hadn’t even given some of these terms a second thought, but that’s the beauty of this industry, there’s ALWAYS room to improve and be supported while you make the efforts to do so.

We also couldn’t finish this blog post without mentioning one of our most emotion-evoking talks from Cheryl Luzet on “why unconscious bias in the agency world is holding you back.” It made us proud that at Source PR, our workforce is made up of 60% women and 66% of our management team are female, but it also made us angry that not enough is being done to change deep-rooted attitudes to women in the workplace.

So hopefully we’ve given you plenty to think about in terms of takeaways and tips from BrightonSEO, so let us do something different to end this blog post this time and leave you with one of the most outrageous facts we’ve heard in a while, and hope it ignites a passion for change in you as it did for us.

Your boss is more likely to be called John than be a woman.

We couldn’t mention them all in here, because this blog would be waaaay bigger than the 1700 words that it already is, but we’d love to pay thanks to all of the fantastic speakers we saw at BrightonSEO over the three days we were there. We took something away from each and every one of you, and you were all INCREDIBLE!

Azeem Ahmad, Ross Simmonds, Sudhana Singh, Uday Radia, Clara Kelly, Mary Hicks, Raluca Zdru, Karim Adib, Sophie Warner, Daniele Saccardi, Amanda Walls, Mark Rofe, Rachel Finch, Carlos Menza, Dale Bertrand, Sean Butcher, Cheryl Luzet, Ian Benjamin, Fabio Embalo, Andi Jarvis, Isla Lavs, Lauren Henley, Niki Mosier, Rohan Ayyar, Carrie Rose, Amanda Jordan, Claire Carlile, Tanesha Marie, Bibi The Link Builder, Greg Clifford & Dixon Jones.

Featured image credit: BrightonSEO.

#CheshireDay… Our Cheshire Story

Next week marks #CheshireDay, something we all like to get behind here at Source PR. Our business is based on the outskirts of Chester city centre, in Tattenhall – a lovely rural village, and most of our team have either lived or worked in the county for many years.

This year, the theme is ‘Your Cheshire Story’ so we thought it a great time to share not only Source’s, but some of our team’s too – and what makes Cheshire so special to them.

Our Cheshire Story – Source PR

A PR and social media agency just outside of Chester, Source has been Cheshire-based for its whole life – which is over 15 years! Our offices are currently in an old-converted school building on Tattenhall’s historic high street Our founder Louis has lived in the county for a large part of his life, and is what we would call an old Cheshire veteran… There aren’t many places he can walk into without knowing at least a couple of people!

Several of our clients are based in Cheshire or in the North West, and we’re proud to support businesses born and bred in the region including Three Wrens Gin, Combermere Abbey, Bear Inns and Meadow. We’ve helped local businesses right from their inception – such as Bradwall Bakehouse, right through to supporting established brands and growing their reputation both locally and nationally.

Cheshire will always hold a special place in our hearts, and so we like to give back to it where we can too. All of our team enjoy volunteering days where they can support charities and organisations of their choosing, and a couple of years ago we pledged to offer free PR support to the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, getting them featured on the likes of the BBC and ITV which we’re told made a huge difference to their fundraising during lockdown!

It’s not just Louis who’s lived and worked in Cheshire for many years, we’ve got team members who grew up here, studied here, or who’ve just come here to work for us! Being a flexible employer means we’ve been able to bring in talent from Merseyside, Shropshire and Staffordshire to join Source PR and offer their fantastic PR skills to Cheshire businesses and beyond. Let’s hear from them…

Their Cheshire Stories – The Team

Jessica Pardoe, Account Manager

“My first job in Cheshire was at Source, before that I’d lived and worked in both Liverpool and Manchester (despite being from Staffordshire – I get around I know!). I’ve been here coming up to 3 and a half years now, and I’m still as in love with the county as I was the day I first stepped through our office doors.

I’ll never get over the ‘I’m ever so lucky’ feeling when instead of sitting in traffic on the motorway, I’m driving through the countryside. I meet cows and sheep on my morning commute instead of angry drivers! I’ve had a lot to do with the Cheshire community since working at Source, from getting to know local influencers and journalists, to joining amazing groups such as the Cheshire Creatives Club and even giving talks there. There’s a great supportive community that are very welcoming to outsiders (though I don’t think I class myself as one anymore 😉).

So that’s my short but sweet Cheshire story. I hope I work here foreverrrrrr.”

Jill Mathers, Junior Account Executive

“After finishing my degree at John Moores University, Liverpool I had taken my first full-time role with Source PR, located in the beautiful Tattenhall. It was my first proper experience of the British countryside, and it was breathtaking!

I loved the area so much that I later moved to Chester where I spent many of my evenings after work beside the canal with a Cheshire ice cream in hand! Being from Ireland, it was scary to move somewhere new, but Cheshire has been the first place I have called home. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming it’s been a fantastic place to start my career.”

Jessica McDonnell, Senior Account Manager

“Though I have a CH postcode, Cheshire feels like a different world from where I live on the Wirral! Although I love living by the sea, it’s lovely to come into work in Cheshire for a change of scene and see the sheep knocking about in Tattenhall. Lunchtime walks are scenic, and the people always say hello, which is nice.” 

Adam Stanworth, Junior Account Executive

“I’ve lived in Cheshire for much of my life, having grown up in Chester, and the only way I can describe my relationship with my home county is like a teenager who’s embarrassed by their parents.

When people from elsewhere in the country ask where I’m from and I tell them I’m of Cheshire origins I’m usually met with accusations of being ‘posh’, despite my northern accent. Images of big cars, even bigger houses and spray tans are the stereotypes people tend to associate with the county. Hence the teenager embarrassed by their parents’ aspect. However, in this laboured simile, there remains the fact that fundamentally the teenager does love his parents, really. Yes, the jokes about being from Cheshire are inevitable but ultimately, I was extremely fortunate to have such a happy childhood, here and there are so many aspects of the county to be proud of.

Cheshire is filled with brilliant industries and businesses and is a central part of the wider North West economy. It boasts stunning landscapes and two brilliant rugby league teams in Widnes Vikings and Warrington Wolves. It’s the birthplace of Ian Curtis, Daniel Craig, Harry Styles and Lewis Carroll; it’s a tourist destination; a home for refugees and full of amazing people. Despite it being a source of ribbing and mild embarrassment, I’ve got a lot of love for my home county.”

Louis Hill, Managing Director

“I’ve always been a bit of a nomad.  I was born in Kent, grew up in Hampshire and spent teenage years living in America, Africa and then London. I’d never visited Cheshire until I came here for university but quickly fell in love with it.  When the opportunity came to return here after several years working in London, I was quick to jump at it.

I’ve always believed that life is all about balance – work hard, play hard and Cheshire provides an amazing space for both. Great countryside, pubs and community while also being an excellent place to work and set up a business. Having lived in the county for more than 20 years it’s now definitely home – which seems a little strange as I’ve always considered myself a soft southerner.”

Media Training In PR – Why Is It Important?

When we onboard our new clients and the press opportunities begin flooding in, something we often either get asked about, or recommend, is media training. Whether you’re new to the business or long-time CEO, talking to the press can be daunting. Especially if you’ve not done it before. Media training is something that can not only help combat the nerves and put you at ease, but it can also help clients better understand PR, which is something we’re always happy about.

What Is Media Training?

We either offer our clients basic media training in-house at Source PR, or for a more in-depth course, we work with several great industry partners in the North West. Simply put, it is learning how to engage with the media and successfully represent your brand during interviews with journalists, radio segments and even TV appearances. A trainer will walk you through how to prepare for questions, but also what to do if you’re thrown a curveball. They’ll help you understand techniques to beat any nerves you might have, and they’ll also run through some of the ways NOT to act, which we’ll come on to below.

3 Reasons Why Media Training Is Important

Presenting your best self

Firstly, when we put a client in front of a journalist, we want to ensure that they’re well-equipped to be the best brand ambassador they can be. This is why before all features and conversations we brief our clients and guide them through questions. But media training goes one step further in ensuring whoever is representing the company is cool, calm, and collected with answers that ‘wow’.

Understanding the end goal

Not every client will have an in-depth grasp of PR, after all – that’s why we’re here to help. We’ve found that media training helps clients to comprehend the ins and outs of what we do, and of course, the benefits of it! Many business we work with have walked away from training days with a healthy understanding of PR, feature work, interviews and so on… Most importantly – they get how important all of it is to their business.

Avoiding disaster!

We offer crisis communications support at Source PR, but it’s better when we don’t have to use it. Don’t fret, as media training ensures that no slip ups occur during interviews. Especially ones that can’t be edited, such as radio chats. There are so many examples we could give you, but one stands out. Prince Andrew’s car crash appearance on Newsnight demonstrates the benefits of media training more than any blog ever could because we all collectively felt the disaster unfold. Of course it’s unlikely you or your business would ever find yourself in such a situation, as remember – if a journalist wants to interview you about your company, they’re not going to be looking to catch you out – it’s still good to know what not to do.

If you’re ready to get your face and brand in front of the media, then you know we can help here at Source PR. In the last year alone our clients have been featured on the likes of the BBC North West Tonight and Points West, ITV Granada Reports, BBC Radio Shropshire, and BBC Radio Wales – if your business has a good story to tell, that could well be you too. Pop our team a message, or follow us on Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn for all of our latest updates.

7 Times TikTok Made A BIG Impact On Businesses

This post first appeared on my PR blog, but I thought it would be good to share on our Source PR website too. Enjoy!

TikTok’s influence is huge. The app’s popularity has grown exponentially over the last few years, fuelled by lockdown boredom initially and more recently by the desire for better social media experiences than Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat.

Any marketer can see the potential such a platform holds, but there have been several times where TikTok has truly worked its magic. Instances where its influence has been so great that it has changed lives forever.

3 BookTok Success Stories

‘BookTok’ has become a force of its own, so much so that if you walk into any Waterstones, The Works or WH Smiths nowadays you’ll more than likely see a ‘TikTok recommends section’. But the social platform has not just propped up already established authors, it’s also helped create them too. Turning dreams into reality… Literally.

  • One of the most recent examples is TikTokker Marguerite Richards turning her dad’s decade-old novel into an overnight sensation through just one video that went viral. The clip, which now has over 40 million views sent Marguerite’s Dad’s novel, Stone Maidens, into the charts 10 years after its initial release. The overwhelming response to a simple yet emotive video goes to show the influence that organic content can have – with the right messages and just a little bit of magic. Richard, who is just the cutest soul, told the BBC“last week has been a whirlwind experience for me, truly mind-blowing. However, I earnestly believe that it is most important for a writer to never take no for an answer, to persevere, and never, never give up.” 
  • Another that any TikTok aficionado would recognise is Alex Aster, author of Lightlark. The now-novelist posted on the app a few years ago about her ideas for a set of books about a mythical island that only appears every 100 years. After being initially rejected by several publishers, her video went viral and this resulted in Aster being offered a six-figure advance book deal from Abrams Books. The first novel has now been published, with others to follow.
  • And finally, it’s not an ‘overnight sensation’ story like the others, but author Colleen Hoover, dubbed the Queen of ‘BookTok‘, would certainly have to attribute a large portion of her popularity to the app. Her book ‘It Ends With Us’ was one of the inaugural ‘BookTok’ recommendations, and when Hoover herself become really active on TikTok, her fame only increased. Now, her novels are commonplace in most bookstores, with large collections being on offer and many ‘BookTok-kers’ still recommending her works. In fact, Colleen Hoover attributes her success so much to TikTok that last year, she released a sequel to ‘It Ends With Us’ that she said she thought to do to thank her loyal followers.

2 BeautyTok Success Stories

Though ‘BookTok’ is incredibly influential, it’s not the only niche of TikTok. As with Instagram and other social media platforms, health, beauty and lifestyle are also other popular genres on the app. There’s been plenty of opportunity to go viral organically in this space since TikTok began getting really popular, and many small businesses have grown to great heights because of this.

  • Delhicious, an award-winning Ayurvedic skincare brand really demonstrates the value of TikTok fame compared to more traditionally successful routes, such as appearing on TV. Zara Saleem, who founded the business, actually appeared on Dragon’s Den last year, but her brand really took off anyway thanks to her TikTok channel. At the end of 2021, it was reported that the business hit six-figures and ended up with a 20,000 person waitlist after going viral several times. Since then, Delhicious has only gone from strength to strength. From being kitchen-manufactured, to having a full production line. There’ve also been several new products launched by the brand too. I’ve followed them since very early on, LOVE their stuff and so the story sits really really right with me. It’s a classic example of how TikTok can transform a life!
  • If you’ve ever seen the trend of icing your face on TikTok, then know that a lot of this can be traced back to an Australian-born business, The Contour Cube. After one video getting 6m views, the female-founded company sold £20k worth of stock according to the Female Start Up Club podcast. I don’t have much health and beauty content on my feeds, but I did pick up on this trend and the time and when researching extra ideas to bulk up this blog, I was delighted to come across this story.

2 FoodTok Success Stories

Everyone’s ‘For You Page’ is different, but I’d bet you that most people have food videos pop up on their app at least every now and again. One business went viral though not for its irresistible food (though I don’t doubt it!) but instead, for its impossible earworm of a song.

  • You knew it was coming… Who took themselves off to Binley Mega Chippy last summer? The unassuming Coventry chip shop ended up with queues out the door and down the street after a jingle about it went viral! 🎶 If it’s in your head now, I’m sorry. According to Sky News, the owner Kamal Gandhi said his overnight fame was crazy, but he was so grateful for it. This is definitely one that has me questioning my peers that travelled miles and miles for a chippy (reportedly, even some from overseas?!) but at the same time, it’s great to see yet another small business thriving thanks to TikTok fame.
  • The self-proclaimed ‘CEOs of SweetTok’, I loved Candy Works’ videos during lockdown. I still get a serotonin rush when they pop up on my pafe even now. So, when looking around for this blog, I was delighted to see that the business is still doing super well, even nearly 3 years on from its initial rise to fame. The company was created by Sophie and Ryan Taylor, who put about £400 into it and a lot of time on TikTok. Now, it has a reported £1.4m turnover and 1.7m followers. Amazing stuff.

Image credit: Dan Pope

We’re big fans of TikTok at Source PR and have long seen its value in marketing. Read my blog from a few years ago about the value of investing time in this app by clicking here.

Over 60 Of The Best PR Campaigns Of 2022

As PRs, we always keep one eye on the industry and love seeing what businesses get up to day in, day out. Our morning chats in the office are often those of what creative pieces we’ve seen doing the round-ups, and as marketers we know it’s always important to stay on the ball with the latest trends and most creative ideas.

What if we had a place that rounded up all the best PR campaigns of 2022?

Did you know our Account Manager Jess has an award-winning PR blog? Her most popular posts include roundups of the best PR campaigns she’s seen each month, and this month she put together a list of all the ones that caught her eye in 2022. The result was a comprehensive list of 62 brilliant stunts and marketing efforts from all over the world. You can read the full blog by clicking here, but we’ve included the list below – for all the inspiration you need going into the new year!

62 Best PR Campaigns Of 2022

  1. Rising Benches | City of Copenhagen
  2. Solve for Tomorrow | Quentin Devine & Samsung
  3. A Flooded East End | BBC1
  4. #SupportIsEverything | Adidas
  5. Free Calls To Ukraine | BT
  6. No Love Island Fast Fashion | ITV & eBay
  7. A Road Made From Nappies | Pura & NappiCycle
  8. Little Miss Waste Less | Ecover
  9. Reverse Advent Calendar | Tesco
  10. Celebrities’ Tweeted Dreams | Twitter
  11. He’s Coming Home | Women’s Aid
  12. After Life Benches | Netflix
  13. The Weight Of Mental Health | GymShark
  14. Inclusive Barbie Dolls | Mattel
  15. Boris At The Job Centre | Madame Tussauds
  16. Nappy Recycling Trial | Pura & NappiCycle
  17. “As If Nothing Happened” | Alper Yesiltas
  18. #ColoursOfLove | TBWA Paris
  19. A Lettuce Outlasts Liz | Daily Star
  20. Bye Bye Bounties | Celebrations
  21. Are They Smiling At Me? | Paramount
  22. Sponsors Of Qatar FC | DuoLingo
  23. Ask For Henry | Morrisons & Heinz
  24. The Chicken Big Mac Launch | McDonald’s
  25. Crystal Bras | Pour Moi
  26. Hotter Than Nandos | Nandos
  27. Promoting Mishap Tweets | Specsavers
  28. Same Gender Caterpillars | M&S
  29. Sweedish Seed Balls | IKEA
  30. Vintage Primark | Wornwell & Primark
  31. = Boris Johnson | Mark Rofe
  32. Name A Bin After Your Ex |
  33. Corn Kid Promotes Sweetcorn | Green Giant
  34. Boss’ WhatsApp Conversation | Innocent
  35. Selfish Flickers | Clean Up Britain
  36. Chicken Stock Library | KFC
  37. Francis Bourgeois’ Fashion Range | Gucci & North Face
  38. Keys Launched From Space | Good Move UK
  39. Popcorn For The Downing St Drama | Butterkist
  40. Shop Greggs Merch | Primark & Greggs
  41. #TattooDuoOver | Duo Lingo
  42. Royal Sauces | Heinz
  43. The McBaguette | Netflix & McDonalds
  44. Kayne West Tattoo Removals | NAAMA Studios
  45. Big Mac Themed Smoke Detectors | McDonald’s
  46. Greggs Hen Party | Greggs
  47. Wagatha Cristie Snacks | Butterkist
  48. Cuthbert Is Back | Aldi
  49. Stay Overnight In The Mystery Machine | Air BnB
  50. The World’s Biggest Jaffa Cake | McVities
  51. Bye Gull Bye | Deliveroo
  52. Spoon Shaped Fries | Heinz
  53. Lucy’s Pizza | Dominoes
  54. Nostalgic Happy Meals | McDonald’s
  55. Jump The Queue Like Holly & Phil | London Dungeon
  56. Go To Bed With Harry Kane | CBeebies
  57. The Colnel’s Arms | KFC
  58. All Drugs Are Legal | Channel 4
  59. Un-Invitation | Hitched
  60. Chester’s New Sign | Visit Cheshire
  61. Creating Your Own Bridgeton Garden | The Telegraph
  62. Eau de isn’t Bacon | THIS

Did Comms Professionals React Correctly In The Aftermath Of The Queen’s Death?

This past week, the PR, marketing and comms world experienced something it never had before when the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II was announced on Thursday evening. Any industry pro knows if there’s something we’re good at, it’s adapting to change and thinking on our feet, especially in the PR agency world.

Many brands began frantically posting social media messages some of which came under scrutiny of the general public, with suggestions that the posts were ill judged or in poor taste.

A bizarre photograph from Clutch Points which pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II


Crossfit UK’s tribute to Her Majesty was a WOD workout

As a nation, we didn’t know what to do on hearing the news. Whether you’re a royalist, want to abolish the monarchy or you just don’t care either way, this situation was new and unfamiliar, which was shown in some of the most Googled questions from last week:

Queen Elizabeth death what will happen

Queen Elizabeth death what happens next

Operation London Bridge

When is the Queens Funeral.

The government did release national mourning guidance, but that didn’t include much guidance, stating: There is no set way to mark the passing of Her Majesty on social media. Organisations may wish to review their planned content for the period.

So, can we blame social media managers and comms professionals for, in some instances, getting it so wrong? While there’s an element of common sense and ability to read the room lacking in some brand’s reactions (Ann Summers, anyone?!), I like to think that the majority of these brands genuinely wanted to pay some kind of tribute to the Queen. After all, the people behind the posts are just that: people. Some of whom may well have been struggling with the news themselves. On the other hand, there are some brands that may have been fearful of saying nothing at all – after all, would that have looked worse for the brand than posting something tone deaf? It depends how you look at it.

For me personally, I struggle with brands that have a lot to say about certain issues on social media but with no real substance behind the message. Want to change your logo to black out of respect but then have your team performing non-essential work come into the office on the bank holiday Monday of the funeral? That doesn’t sit right with me. Similarly to Pridewashing, changing your logo to the Pride rainbow flag but not actively supporting LGBTQA+ employees or recruiting fairly, is on a similar level to this for me. Unfortunately, there will always be a select few that post for clout and likes.

Nevertheless, on this occasion I think we need to give these brands a break, after all, the situation hasn’t been something any of us in the modern media profession have dealt with before, and perhaps it’s a learning curve for us all. At Source, we’d been monitoring the situation since learning the news that the Queen was unwell, and acted accordingly, cancelling both our Source and client social posts, as well as pausing any campaigns. Luckily enough all of our clients valued and understood our advice on the matter, I know some other agencies weren’t so lucky!

If we can help you with your social media strategy, then get in touch.

Plain English Please!

This may just be a personal gripe but why do agencies feel the need to adopt ‘marketing speak’ when working with clients?  I appreciate that it’s important to use the right terminology when explaining a campaign or PR proposal but let’s not forget clients are normal people so can we please stop using cliches and ‘buzz words’ as it has the potential to undermine the good work being done.

I’ve listed a few of Source PR’s pet hates below and attempted to give a plain English alternative.  Hopefully this will help agencies in not coming as across like characters from an Alan Partridge sketch when they’re pitching for new business.

Agency speak How it’s used Real world alternatives
Collaboration space We work remotely but drop into the collaboration space a couple of times a week


We work in the office twice a week
Ping me Can you ping me and I’ll ping you back ASAP


Send me an email and I’ll respond
It’s a no brainer Pick the low hanging fruit first, it’s a no brainer


The obvious decision
Think outside the box Let’s get together for a thought shower and think outside the box


Let’s think creatively
Circle back Let’s circle back to the issue you’ve highlighted


Let’s discuss later
It’s on my radar Yes, of course I’ll get that report over to you – it’s on my radar


I know about it but have done nothing yet
Reach out As part of our outreach campaign, we’ll reach out to influencers


We will contact influencers
Jump on a call I’ve a busy schedule today but plan to jump on a client call at 10am


I’ll call them at 10am
Deep dive / drill down / double click Let’s take a deep dive / drill down / double click into the report


Let’s read / understand it properly
Bandwidth He’s not got the bandwidth to deal with this


Capacity / capability
Move the needle We need to move the needle on this campaign to ramp up engagement


That campaign didn’t work, let’s try something different
New normal Jumping on Zoom calls is the ‘new normal’ in the collaboration space


New ways of working / normal
Jacking We’ve an audacious plan of news/meme-jacking to complement our omnichannel campaign


Piggyback on someone else’s success
Go the extra mile As we’re a customer centric agency we go the extra mile for clients We’re not lazy

Effective PR and communications

The University of California’s Berkley Business school has reported that jargon is detrimental to communicating effectively as it removes the real meaning of the words used, citing that people generally use jargon as a substitute for understanding or providing real answers to questions. In other words, it’s a way of trying to make yourself sound intelligent when you don’t really understand the subject that you’re talking about, or filibustering as it’s known in politics.

The overuse of buzz words could in-fact have the opposite effect with audiences losing trust in you or questioning your credibility.  According to a study in 2011, speakers who use buzzwords and industry slang instead of basic language were often perceived to be lying rather than creating the sense of mystery and complexity they hope for.

Let’s cut the pretentiousness and speak the plain English that our clients like and expect.  In my experience the brightest minds can simplify complicated subjects into something that anyone could understand – as Da Vinci once said ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’.

If you have heard any marketing buzz words that drive you mad, please translate and share them with us!