How to capture journalist’s interest and secure national coverage

Having worked in the PR and journalism world for over a decade, unsurprisingly the media landscape and ways of working have evolved. When I started as a fresh faced journalism graduate in 2013, there was no such thing as TikTok, and many more of us picked up a physical newspaper than in today’s world. In fact, from 2010-2020 sales of The Sun newspaper dropped by 58%, the FT by 60% and the Guardian by 56%, with many opting to view their news online or through social media platforms.

Over the last decade, there have been fewer journalists in the newsroom (though the ‘newsroom’ is now often, but not always, the journalist’s home office!) and therefore with time being tight and the digital news agenda being competitive, capturing the attention of said journalists has become a tougher job for us PRs. So, how can we, as PRs capture the attention of journalists and generate killer coverage for clients?

Know how to spot a good story

Of course, key to bagging coverage that will ‘wow’ the client and boost those readership stats is to have a great story to pitch in the first place. Journalists don’t want to be bombarded with sales messages and fads, they want factual, enticing stories that they know their audience will engage with.

At Source, we recently worked on a story which we knew would be a great one for the media. Our client Miller Homes was unveiling a specially commissioned statue at one of their developments in memory of a war horse named Blackie, to commemorate the horse along with all the other service animals that served during WWI.

The story was gold for regional and national press, with Blackie the horse striking a chord with journalists and the public alike. The team managed to secure ITV Granada to attend on the day, with a slot on both breakfast and teatime news, as well as two rounds of BBC coverage and local coverage to boot. So far the story has generated an audience of over three million people.

A rainy launch event at Wilbury Park

Pitch a story that serves the community

 Despite some perceptions, news outlets don’t just want to report on the doom and gloom in the world (although one journalist once told me ‘if it’s not about a stabbing or Love Island, we probably won’t cover it’ – I think this was hyperbole) …journalists love a local human interest story of positivity.

We are lucky that many of our clients have brilliant sustainability and CSR credentials and therefore we are able to get a lot from these stories in terms of press interest and coverage, which brings me nicely onto my next point…

Good video and imagery

Providing high quality images and ideally video will get you in the good books with the media. With attention spans at an all-time low, social media being such a huge part of where we get our news from, as well as images for print needing to be good quality, it’s important to invest (and it doesn’t need to cost a lot!) in good images and videos where possible. We have an in-house team that often shoot and edit videos on iPhone and these TikTok and Reels get great engagement. Equally, we have external photographers that we encourage our clients to use for bigger events to make sure we have those great shots to be able to share with the media.

Building relationships with journalists

As the saying goes, it’s not what you know it’s who you know. Though face-to-face meetings with journalists are rare these days, relationship building is still important. Getting to know what a journalist usually writes about, what locations they cover and providing high quality content and being easy to work with will quickly get you noticed and will often mean journalists start coming to you for quotes and content!

In fact, I reached out to business editor of North West Business Insider Robyn Hewson about this blog and she kindly provided some feedback on what she looks out for in pitches: “As a regional business magazine, the stories that interest us at Insider are ones that set out straight away the location of the business so we know it’s relevant for our patch. We focus on hard business news so anything with the words ‘acquisition’, ‘turnover’, ‘growth’ etc is going to catch our attention! We’re always on the lookout for new faces to include in the magazine or newsletters too so personally it piques my interest if an email talks about introducing me to a new business/ asks if someone is on our radar.

Overall, it’s not easy to secure coverage in today’s competitive world, but with the right story and team it’s possible! If you think the Source team could help you elevate your PR presence, get in touch!

What Social Media Platforms Are Right For Your Business?

Looking to give your business an edge on social media but not sure where to start? Well, your first step is to choose the right social media platform. Between Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok and Pinterest, it can be tempting to join them all. However, an effective social media strategy involves time, consistency and financial investment. There is a lot of traction to be gained through social media, so it’s important to only pick the platforms that are right for your business. 

Understanding Your Business Needs 

Are you looking to demonstrate the usefulness of a particular product? Are you wanting to network with others in the industry? Are you a freelancer looking to showcase your work? Or perhaps you’re looking to connect with customers and interact with them. 

Knowing what your business needs are is important when deciphering your social media marketing goals. There are hundreds of different platforms out there, each with their own bespoke algorithm and unique features. So, knowing your business needs and what kind of content you want to post will help matchmake the right social media platform for you.  

Social Media Platforms (In A Nutshell) 

Traditional Social Media Outlets: Facebook, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) allow you to share both text and visual content to whomever you like. They share features like networking, event organising, polling and advertising. 

Image-Based: Other platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat are image-lead and allow you to showcase your aesthetic business portfolio. They come with features that allow you to shop in-app which eliminates the need to drive traffic to an external site. 

Short-Form Video Content: TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels allow you to share short-form video content. These platforms leave a lot of room for getting creative with product tutorials and brand storytelling. Short-form video content platforms are high on the rise with 73% of consumers now saying they prefer short-form video content to search for products or services.  

Discussion Forums: Though a little trickier to implement in your social media strategy, Reddit and Quora can be unique ways to engage with specific online communities, join in on industry chat and help with product/service questions.  

Private Community Groups: Online groups such as Facebook Groups, Discord or Patreon pull people together making for great ways to share exclusive business insight, interact with users and connect with them on a more personal scale.  

Knowing Your Audience 

Knowing who your target audience is, their age group, language, gender, etc, is key to finding what platforms they hang out on. If your audience isn’t active on a certain social media platform, then it is not worth pumping time and money into it.  

Reading into demographic data matters and using tools such as Sprout Social to identify your audience’s respective go-to platform is a must:  

Know Your Competitors Too 

What platforms are your competitors on? Which platforms are working well for them? What type of posts are performing better?  

It may feel like a cheat code, but looking at what your competitors are doing on their socials is a useful (and free) market research tool when it comes to deciding which platform to invest in and what type of content to post. 

Look At Your Resources  

Building brand awareness is about the long game. Momentum and credibility is far more important than a ‘go big or go home’ viral post that will peak and trough in a short amount of time.  

As far as posting frequency goes, it’s best to post around 2-5 times a week. However, do leave some room for experimentation. If your audience engages better when you post less frequently, and that works for you, then carry on. At the same time, make sure to measure what resources you have. Having too many platforms on your plate can quickly spread your business thin, resulting in posts that may not be so tailored to your brand. Unless you have a huge budget, keeping to 2-3 social media platforms is the recommended golden number. 

Make The Most Out Of The Platform You Choose 

Once you’ve decided which platforms you would like to build a brand profile on, make sure to make the most out of them. Here are some top tips for helping you do so: 

  • Don’t be too ‘salesy’: avoid simply broadcasting to your audience – entertaining and insightful content will go a lot further. 
  • Keep up with what’s trending: the latest news, memes, industry updates, TikTok sounds, memes. 
  • Don’t forget to use hashtags: they’re a trusty way to win over the algorithm. 
  • Post consistently and regularly: it’s important that when someone clicks onto your brand’s profile, there is enough content to find out who you are and what you do 
  • Repost and interact with audiences: starting polls, responding to direct messages and replying to comments will help your brand build both a strong relationship with users and a loyal customer base. 

With Source PR, you can outsource your social media strategy. Click here to find out more. 



International Women’s Day: How to ‘Inspire Inclusion’ in your PR and marketing activity

International Women’s Day in 2024 should need no explanation. March 8th has been earmarked to celebrate and promote equality for women – all four billion of us. This year’s IWD theme is #InspireInclusion, intended to inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion. With this in mind, let’s break down some ways you can make sure PR and marketing activity is inclusive to all.

Avoid stereotypes and bias

 This seems like an obvious one, but it’s 2024 and stereotyping still happens. I recall once sending a journalist a press release about my property client who had hired a new starter, a young black female, to a senior role. Instead of using the headshot provided, they opted for a stock image of two white men in suits shaking hands. Once called out, the image was immediately changed, however this is just one example of the underlying bias that still exists in the corporate world.

Be inclusive as well as diverse

Vernā Myers once said, diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance. When brainstorming marketing, PR and campaign ideas, it can be easy to listen to the loudest person in the room. However, when we employ a diverse workforce and then take onboard everyone’s ideas, creativity is increased tenfold and there’s certainly much less of culturally insensitive campaigns.

Use subtitles and captions on videos

 Video is a must in any social media or marketing campaign but it’s also important to make sure that video can be understood by all. Including captions helps those who cannot hear the video, or may not understand the language to do so.

And as a bonus, adding a textual transcription to videos will almost certainly have a positive impact on the video’s metrics.

Know your audience and read the room

Perhaps one of the first and most important elements of any PR or marketing campaign is knowing your audience. It’s important not to be caught out being short sighted or not completely understanding the audience that the PR or marketing is aimed at. Tone deaf campaigns (2016 Gap Kids campaign, anyone?) can do serious damage to a brand, so high quality research and conducting  a persona workshop, in some cases, can be vital.

Image from X

It’s clear that inclusion is key when it comes to creating a successful marketing, comms or PR campaign. If you’d like to talk to Source about how we can help with this, then get in touch!

Neuromarketing: Why Building An Emotional Connection Is Important

Ever wondered why we make those impulse buys, why we choose one colour over another and why some brands resonate with us whilst others don’t? 

The truth is, whilst we like to think that our decisions are underpinned by logic, a lot of the time our decision making is actually driven by our subconscious minds. In fact, Harvard Professor Gerald Zaltman says that 95% percent of our purchase decision making takes place in the subconscious.  

Over the last decade, marketeers have caught onto the idea of looking into consumer ‘brainfluences’ to predict consumer preferences. This has led to a newfound and exciting way of conducting market research known as neuromarketing.  

What Is Neuromarketing? 

Neuromarketing, or consumer neuroscience, explores how we can use neuroscience to examine how our minds work and gain insight into consumer behaviour.  

Whilst traditional market research relies on the likes of engagement analytics and surveys, neuromarketing uses advanced scientific metrics such as heart rate monitoring, facial expressions tracking, eye-tracking, electroencephalograms (EEGs) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).  

In essence, neuromarketing looks into the nitty-gritty of what makes us tick and can be an incredibly useful tool for gathering consumer insight. 

How Has Neuromarketing Been Used So Far?

Neuromarketing is a very pricey method of market research and only super brands such as Coca-Cola, Yahoo and Facebook have been able to check out the field so far.  

In 2018, Hyundai created a unique experiment to find out what consumers would consider as the most positive colour. In the experiment, participants were placed in a blank room that lit up one colour at a time. These participants were also hooked up to EEGs, that read the electrical activity inside their brains, and other bio-sensory tools that read heart rate and galvanic skin response. Hyundai were then able to extract emotional data as to what the individual was feeling in response to a certain colour i.e., bored, excited, relaxed or focused. The result: the colour blue was found to be the happiest colour. Despite ‘feeling blue’ giving it a bad rep, blue was found to be stimulating, energising and comforting. Since the experiment, Hyundai have injected touches of blue through its vehicles.  

Hilton Hotels have been another to experiment with neuromarketing. In 2020, during a conference in Liverpool, guests toured around displays and event stands. Hilton Hotels had placed 24 carefully positioned cameras that tracked each person’s movements and changes in expression as they moved between stalls. This Zenus Emotion AI technology was able to monitor even the most subtle of contractions in an individual’s facial muscles. By using facial expressions tracking to gauge how guests were feeling, the results found that a puppies-and-ice-cream stall was more engaging than the open bar. Though sounding a touch trivial (I know), the same system can be used to detect threat at border checkpoints, evaluate job candidates and monitor levels of boredom. 

Once more, in 2021, Procter & Gamble used an eye-tracking software to monitor participant eye movement and focus when watching some P&G mobile ads. The tool was able to detect which parts of the ads were more engaging and how consumer gaze patterns changed over time. This allowed P&G to tailor their content to better capture consumer attention and evoke the desired emotional response.  

The Future Of Neuromarketing  

Neuromarketing is an advanced method of helping brands to further personalise messages to suit individual customers, understand their emotional responses and use that data to better design products and services. Over the coming years, neuromarketing is expected to witness exponential growth and has a predicted 2029 market worth of USD 2.41 billion. 

That said, looking scientifically into consumer emotions is a difficult metric to capture and far too out of budget for most. However, what we can take away from this emerging discipline is the idea that forging an emotional connection with audiences adds tremendous value.  

Consumers are more driven by emotional responses than we think. The 2024 marketing statistics show:  

  • Ads portraying above-average emotional responses have a 23% potential sales increase 
  • Negative headlines have 30% higher click-through rates than ones with positive superlatives 
  • 82% of highly emotional brand-engaged consumers buy from their brand based on loyalty 

So, the science shows that emotions get the better of us. Building trust, echoing warm values, sparking excitement or even outrage is what draws customers the most. Putting emphasis on what you want to make your target audience feel and how you are going to make them feel that way should be an essential in your PR and marketing strategy.  

At Source PR, our range of marketing and digital strategies allow us to create a bespoke service that suits your chosen audience’s needs. To find out more, click here 

Why Is Press Coverage So Important For A Business?

Being featured in newspapers, magazines, on radio and TV is an unparalleled win for a business. It’s a remarkable way to cultivate influence, establish yourself in your industry, and amplify brand awareness. However, many smaller businesses often face challenges in terms of both knowledge and time when attempting to establish their presence.

The good news is that with a dash of knowledge and a PR team behind you, together we can master your media coverage journey.


The Power of Press Coverage

Press coverage can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. It’s like an amplifier that broadcasts your achievements, products, and stories to a wider audience. From boosting brand visibility and credibility, to attracting potential clients and investors, press coverage opens doors that might otherwise remain closed.

In today’s digital age, press coverage has transcended traditional print and broadcast mediums. Online articles, social media shares, and digital platforms give your story an extended shelf life. A well-placed article can generate a ripple effect, as readers share, comment, and engage with your content across the vast expanse of the internet. This amplification can drive organic traffic to your website, expand your online presence, and spark conversations that can shape your brand narrative.

Navigating the Time Maze

Crafting compelling press coverage takes time – time that many business owners often find themselves lacking. This is where a skilled PR team shines. We’re your dedicated time-savers, using our expertise to define and target the most appropriate media outlets for your business. Your focus remains on your core operations, while we work tirelessly to ensure your story gets the attention it deserves.

And when the opportunity for coverage knocks, timing is crucial. A PR team is prepared to seize these moments without hesitation. They have the flexibility to scale their efforts based on the urgency of the situation, whether it’s a breaking news story, a product launch, or an industry event. By having a team dedicated to monitoring, strategizing, and executing press opportunities, you ensure that no chance for impactful coverage slips through the cracks.

Pitch Perfect Strategy

The art of pitching is where a PR team truly shines. In a world where attention spans are shorter than ever, conciseness is key. A pitch that rambles on risks losing the attention of time-strapped journalists. A PR team understands the art of concise communication, distilling your story into a punchy yet informative message that grabs attention from the first sentence. Every word is carefully chosen to convey your story’s essence without overwhelming the reader.

We craft pitches that resonate with journalists and editors, focusing on what makes your story relevant, unique, and newsworthy. By tailoring our approach, we increase the likelihood of your story catching their eye and earning a place in their publication.

Tapping into the Right Connections

Ever heard the phrase “it’s not just what you know, but who you know”? In the world of PR, this rings true. Our extensive network of media contacts spans different industries and locations. This means we know exactly who to approach for specific topics, giving your story a higher chance of being picked up by the right people in the right places.

The Follow-Up Game

Getting a pitch accepted is just one step in the process. The follow-up is where the magic happens. We don’t just send a pitch and cross our fingers; we meticulously follow up, nurturing relationships and addressing any concerns. Our persistence ensures that your story remains on the radar until it’s a published reality.

Managing Expectations, Delivering Results

Here at Source PR, we believe in transparent communication. Managing client expectations is a cornerstone of our approach. While we work thoroughly to secure press coverage, it’s important to remember that not every pitch will result in an immediate feature. Sometimes, it’s about timing, the news cycle, or the angle. Rest assured, we’re committed to continuously refining our strategy and delivering tangible results.


In conclusion, press coverage is a potent tool that can elevate your business to new heights. Yet, navigating the complex world of media requires finesse, time, and an insider’s perspective. A dedicated PR team like ours can be your guiding light, ensuring your stories are strategically targeted, perfectly pitched, and relentlessly pursued. By enlisting our expertise, you gain more than just press coverage – you gain a partner dedicated to propelling your business forward.


Ready to take the plunge and harness the power of press coverage? Contact us today and embark on your new PR journey with Source.

The Power Of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) In PR

CSR or corporate social responsibility is something that businesses of all shapes and sizes are incorporating into their operations and it’s something we like to do with almost all of our clients at Source as it can be an invaluable tool for building a business’ profile.

From conglomerates to regional SMEs, companies are increasingly recognising the importance of integrating positive social and environmental policies into the business.

Whether its reducing plastic waste or funding community projects, CSR initiatives are a great way to build brand reputation and attractiveness to customers but without PR, your good work will be hidden from view.

Here at Source PR, we have the tools and the team to get your positive work out there and really showcase your commitment to worthy causes and ethical operations.

Why should you promote CSR initiatives?


Enhancing your industry reputation

CSR initiatives are a great way to demonstrate, to customers and investors, that your business is committed to socially and environmentally sustainable operations, beyond simply profit-making.

By promoting these initiatives through PR in the form of media coverage of social media campaigns, your business can build a positive reputation among key stakeholders and really strengthen your brand image.

These days, it matters to consumers, customers and stakeholders that, as a business, you’re having a positive impact on the world around you and are increasingly conscious of company practice.

In fact, 88% of consumers across the globe would choose to buy from a business that engaged in sustainable practices over ones that didn’t.

Whether it’s an environmental accreditation or a workplace support scheme, these initiatives are definitely worth shouting about!

Getting ahead in a competitive market

One of the key reasons why companies turn to PR agencies is to get ahead of their competition and in a competitive marketplace, CSR can really set you apart from other businesses.

We operate as an extension of your team so we’re able to quickly understand the sector you’re in and utilise key channels such as social media or news publications to showcase your CSR efforts.

This can help to highlight initiatives such as community engagement, approach to operating sustainably or employee welfare and give you an edge over competitors who may be slow off the mark in adopting these practices.

Retaining and attracting talent

Employees are, of course, the most important assets of any company and ensuring that you can retain and attract the best talent is vital to the long-term success of your business.

When it comes to applying for roles, people aren’t necessarily looking at the profits you turned, they want to work for an employer that cares about their employees and operates ethically.

By promoting CSR initiatives through PR, businesses can showcase their commitment to causes such as mental health awareness and employee welfare which will help attract talent.

This can also boost the engagement and job satisfaction of existing employees, which is critical as ultimately, engaged employees are more likely to stay with the company and the high cost of hiring can be minimised.


Here at Source, our B2C team work closely with clients to develop long-term CSR strategy that can effectively build brand reputation among their target audience and, ultimately, appeal to a more socially and environmentally conscious consumer base.

Miller Homes North West

We’ve enjoyed working with the North West arm of housebuilders Miller Homes for over 10 years and have consistently helped them to operate successful CSR campaigns.

Back in September 2022, Miller introduced its new Community Fund initiative, which was set up to provide community and charity groups across the North West with the opportunity to apply for donations between £250 and £2,000.

We’ve loved playing our part in helping our client to give back to groups and causes that are local to the areas in which Miller are developing.

This campaign has seen the housebuilder make a real difference in communities across the region with donations being made to inspiring schools, vital food banks, and some incredible charities.

We’ve then been able to showcase the amazing work that Miller is doing through the Community Fund, by securing coverage in local media which demonstrates to target audiences that the company is committed to giving back and helping crucial local causes.

Getting this message across helps to build Miller’s reputation among potential customers and ultimately helps to grow the company’s positive brand image.


Promoting CSR initiatives among B2B companies, is just as important as B2C and that’s why our team work in partnership with clients to develop initiatives that will help the business to attract potential customers and set themselves apart from competition.


Meadow, a leading ingredients business, is a company we’ve enjoyed long-lasting partnership with and whose key PR objective is promoting their commitment to operating sustainably.

Sustainability is the business’ top priority and we’ve been on hand to help Meadow communicate key brand messages, such as their decarbonisation strategy, through features, thought leadership pieces and particularly social media.

During Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, we worked with Meadow to highlight the excellent mental health support initiatives that the company has in place through social media communications on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The social posts reached over 6,000 people during the week and helped to showcase Meadow’s commitment to supporting its employees and partner farmers through support systems like their amazing mental health first aiders.

Social media campaigns such as this one can really help when it comes to attracting and retaining the best talent as it demonstrates to employees (and potential employees) that this is a business that cares about the wellbeing of its staff.

If you think the team at Source could help you with your PR or media relations, get in touch!

Fake News & Clickbait… Who’s Views Are You Getting On Social Media?

One of my favourite adverts back in the 1990s was from The Independent newspaper (now the i-newspaper of course). The ad drew the reader’s attention to the fact that the majority of large mainstream newspapers back in the day were owned and operated by ‘media moguls’.

The advert cleverly printed ‘Conrad Black’ into the same font and layout of the famous Daily Telegraph and the name ‘Rupert Murdock’ into The Times mast head.  The objective being that they were trying to convey that the newspapers were anything but independent and instead simply portraying the views of their owners and paymaster generals.

Historically, Britain has proudly had one of the freest and boldest press corps in the world that rightfully and skilfully has ‘held power to account without fear of favour’.  The highlighting of the newspaper ownership therefore resonated with me as we were often advised (when studying history at university) to look at the author of the work before determining any bias to the information presented.

As technologies and 24 hour news cycles developed, the pressures on newspapers to keep up has been intense.  Not only have they seen significant drops in readership that have led to a corresponding drop in revenue, but we are also seeing strategies that undermine the quality of the news presented in an effort to attract readers to more sensational stories – otherwise known as clickbait.

The sad reality however is that newspapers are not winning.  Recent research now shows the impact social media is having on not only everyday life but also on what we view, believe and how we consume information.

On average, UK consumers already spend an hour and 52 minutes every day on social media, with over half of them using the platforms to post or send private messages (56%) and to stay in touch with family and friends (53%).

Interestingly, nearly 8 out of 10 (79%) of 16 to 24 year olds say that social media is their main source of news.  Due to the open platform nature of social media, the quality and content of this news is very hard to regulate and there have been numerous cases of alleged ‘fake news’ whether relating to the US elections, Covid management or celebrity stories.

Although UK law allows users to report illicit content to the police, there is currently no legislation covering social media regulation nor the publication of ‘fake news’. The process of putting in place a form of regulation has been in progress for quite some time, however it has received heavy criticism for long delays in its implementation.

The Online Harms Bill, first proposed by Theresa May’s government in April 2019, sets out strict guidelines governing the removal of illegal content such as terrorist material or media that promotes suicide. Social networking sites must obey these rules or face being blocked in the UK.  This may be all well and good but there is disagreement as to where to draw the line between ‘harmful’ and free speech and who will be responsible for policing the content which is likely to be a much more complex affair.

The recent Covid pandemic highlighted just how complex the issue is.  Faced with a serious threat to public health, the government looked to ‘control the narrative’ both in mainstream media and also online. Many of the legacy media outlets towed the line with regard to messaging, in part due to government media spend, and also through their ‘public duty’ however social media platforms came under scrutiny over the content of posts that were shared.

In some cases the platforms were accused of sharing ‘conspiracy theories’ that challenged the narrative, while those sharing the alternative views felt that they had their accounts arbitrarily cancelled or ‘shadow banned’ where the content of their posts did not reach their usual audiences.  By May 2021, Facebook’s fact checking team had removed 16 million pieces of content and added warnings to around 167 million posts. YouTube removed more than 850 000 videos related to “dangerous or misleading Covid-19 medical information.”

This raises the question as to who are the fact checkers and what medical or specialist knowledge do they have to undertake their roles?  Professor Sander van der Linden, a professor of social psychology in society at Cambridge University comments: “I think it’s quite dangerous for scientific content to be labelled as misinformation, just because of the way people might perceive that.”

This naturally leads to the question on who is determining what is right or wrong on social platforms as this in turn leads to what can and can’t be shared.

We have already seen the democratically elected President of the United States banned on Twitter.  If a company’s executive team are calling the shots on essentially who has a voice or not, this has serious implications.  The new owner, Mr Musk, has also introduced a subscription cost to Twitter, suggestion those who don’t cough up will have their accounts effectively silenced.  It begs the question as to what other topics or views could be silenced if they don’t marry with his agenda?


Fake news & Click bait - Trump banned from Twitter

Fake news & Click bait – Trump banned from Twitter

Twitter is not alone, TikTok is facing a total US ban because of its Chinese ownership (with the US government afraid of data being shared with a malign body and the potential influence it could have on a population).  If this happens I would expect other countries to follow.

The algorithms of the platforms already favour certain content over others and decide who has their views shared over others.  This is most apparent in how businesses now essentially need to pay to be heard on any platform. As the saying goes, “If you are not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you’re the product being sold.”

With more than 12.5bn hours collectively spent by the UK population on social media in 2021 (or an equivalent of 1.4million years for one person!) and five out of the top 20 websites being social platforms, social content undoubtedly has the biggest influence on today’s population.

As social media and their platform’s owners become more powerful, just as it was back in the 1990s with newspapers, we all need to consider who really owns these platforms, as this massively influences what we watch, listen to read and absorb.

Industry Awards – Are They Worth It?

As we spring into the awards season, many businesses and teams may now be thinking of being recognised for all their hard work over the last year by entering an award. No matter the sector you work in, there will be an award category your business can enter.

As a PR agency, something we often get asked is whether awards are really worth entering? The short answer is YES! Although time and money goes into entering them, the potential rewards you and your business can reap make it all worthwhile. Plus, you can always look at hiring a company such as ourselves to help compile your award entries to make the process a whole lot easier!

Let’s delve into why your business should be entering industry awards!

From boosting your brand to improving your business’ reputation, entering industry awards is an essential part of marketing, and as PR professionals it’s something we encourage all our clients to get involved with.

We always say it’s not the winning that’s important, it’s the taking part and with industry awards, this couldn’t be truer! It’s all about recognition and getting your brand/business out there. When entering awards, more often than not the organisations will post shortlists of the finalists across their website, social media, and even in local the local press. So even before the final judgment call, your business has already had its fair share of exposure as a reputable candidate for an award. A win-win essentially!

Let’s take a further look at the benefits of entering industry awards…

Better brand credibility

Being nominated and winning an award is a great way of distinguishing your business from competitors, as well as serving as an effective and authentic brand endorsement.

We can’t help but associate ‘award-winning’ with an established, reliable business, so advertising your shortlists and wins across your websites and social platforms is a great way to promote your business to potential clients and customers as an industry winner, essentially being quality assured.

A great marketing tool

With winning an award comes sharing your successes. Shouting your gains is a fantastic way to earn more exposure and brand awareness. Being quality assured through the win will also likely gain a wider customers and clientele base as this new exposure is a quick and effective way to build a reputation or credibility in a sector.

Not just for big businesses!

Even if you run a small business never let that fact deter you from achieving recognition. No matter the company, big or small, everyone puts in a lot of hard work and determination to make their venture a successful one. Small businesses have equal opportunities and often specific categories that allow you to compete with the bigger businesses.  Being nominated, shortlisted or winning can also put you on the same level as the other businesses within the category.


At Source PR, we have had many years of experience working with clients both small and large and entering businesses into awards.  We are also pleased to have assisted many of our clients in gaining the recognition they deserve across a number of awarding bodies.

Interested in entering your business into industry awards? Introducing Source PR – where our team of skilled professionals can take your business to the next level. If you’d like to find out more about how Source PR can support you, drop our friendly team a line. We’re always happy to chat.

#CheshireDay… Our Cheshire Story

Next week marks #CheshireDay, something we all like to get behind here at Source PR. Our business is based on the outskirts of Chester city centre, in Tattenhall – a lovely rural village, and most of our team have either lived or worked in the county for many years.

This year, the theme is ‘Your Cheshire Story’ so we thought it a great time to share not only Source’s, but some of our team’s too – and what makes Cheshire so special to them.

Our Cheshire Story – Source PR

A PR and social media agency just outside of Chester, Source has been Cheshire-based for its whole life – which is over 15 years! Our offices are currently in an old-converted school building on Tattenhall’s historic high street Our founder Louis has lived in the county for a large part of his life, and is what we would call an old Cheshire veteran… There aren’t many places he can walk into without knowing at least a couple of people!

Several of our clients are based in Cheshire or in the North West, and we’re proud to support businesses born and bred in the region including Three Wrens Gin, Combermere Abbey, Bear Inns and Meadow. We’ve helped local businesses right from their inception – such as Bradwall Bakehouse, right through to supporting established brands and growing their reputation both locally and nationally.

Cheshire will always hold a special place in our hearts, and so we like to give back to it where we can too. All of our team enjoy volunteering days where they can support charities and organisations of their choosing, and a couple of years ago we pledged to offer free PR support to the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, getting them featured on the likes of the BBC and ITV which we’re told made a huge difference to their fundraising during lockdown!

It’s not just Louis who’s lived and worked in Cheshire for many years, we’ve got team members who grew up here, studied here, or who’ve just come here to work for us! Being a flexible employer means we’ve been able to bring in talent from Merseyside, Shropshire and Staffordshire to join Source PR and offer their fantastic PR skills to Cheshire businesses and beyond. Let’s hear from them…

Their Cheshire Stories – The Team

Jessica Pardoe, Account Manager

“My first job in Cheshire was at Source, before that I’d lived and worked in both Liverpool and Manchester (despite being from Staffordshire – I get around I know!). I’ve been here coming up to 3 and a half years now, and I’m still as in love with the county as I was the day I first stepped through our office doors.

I’ll never get over the ‘I’m ever so lucky’ feeling when instead of sitting in traffic on the motorway, I’m driving through the countryside. I meet cows and sheep on my morning commute instead of angry drivers! I’ve had a lot to do with the Cheshire community since working at Source, from getting to know local influencers and journalists, to joining amazing groups such as the Cheshire Creatives Club and even giving talks there. There’s a great supportive community that are very welcoming to outsiders (though I don’t think I class myself as one anymore 😉).

So that’s my short but sweet Cheshire story. I hope I work here foreverrrrrr.”

Jill Mathers, Junior Account Executive

“After finishing my degree at John Moores University, Liverpool I had taken my first full-time role with Source PR, located in the beautiful Tattenhall. It was my first proper experience of the British countryside, and it was breathtaking!

I loved the area so much that I later moved to Chester where I spent many of my evenings after work beside the canal with a Cheshire ice cream in hand! Being from Ireland, it was scary to move somewhere new, but Cheshire has been the first place I have called home. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming it’s been a fantastic place to start my career.”

Jessica McDonnell, Senior Account Manager

“Though I have a CH postcode, Cheshire feels like a different world from where I live on the Wirral! Although I love living by the sea, it’s lovely to come into work in Cheshire for a change of scene and see the sheep knocking about in Tattenhall. Lunchtime walks are scenic, and the people always say hello, which is nice.” 

Adam Stanworth, Junior Account Executive

“I’ve lived in Cheshire for much of my life, having grown up in Chester, and the only way I can describe my relationship with my home county is like a teenager who’s embarrassed by their parents.

When people from elsewhere in the country ask where I’m from and I tell them I’m of Cheshire origins I’m usually met with accusations of being ‘posh’, despite my northern accent. Images of big cars, even bigger houses and spray tans are the stereotypes people tend to associate with the county. Hence the teenager embarrassed by their parents’ aspect. However, in this laboured simile, there remains the fact that fundamentally the teenager does love his parents, really. Yes, the jokes about being from Cheshire are inevitable but ultimately, I was extremely fortunate to have such a happy childhood, here and there are so many aspects of the county to be proud of.

Cheshire is filled with brilliant industries and businesses and is a central part of the wider North West economy. It boasts stunning landscapes and two brilliant rugby league teams in Widnes Vikings and Warrington Wolves. It’s the birthplace of Ian Curtis, Daniel Craig, Harry Styles and Lewis Carroll; it’s a tourist destination; a home for refugees and full of amazing people. Despite it being a source of ribbing and mild embarrassment, I’ve got a lot of love for my home county.”

Louis Hill, Managing Director

“I’ve always been a bit of a nomad.  I was born in Kent, grew up in Hampshire and spent teenage years living in America, Africa and then London. I’d never visited Cheshire until I came here for university but quickly fell in love with it.  When the opportunity came to return here after several years working in London, I was quick to jump at it.

I’ve always believed that life is all about balance – work hard, play hard and Cheshire provides an amazing space for both. Great countryside, pubs and community while also being an excellent place to work and set up a business. Having lived in the county for more than 20 years it’s now definitely home – which seems a little strange as I’ve always considered myself a soft southerner.”

How To Create A Successful B2B Campaign In 2023

One of the reasons public relations (PR) is such an exciting role to work in is that to thrive in the industry you need to be dynamic and adaptable, and the same can be said for campaigns. When it comes to a B2B PR campaign, first and foremost, it’s vital to know your key messaging and desired outcomes before you even think about putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and brainstorming ideas. Let’s explore the fundamentals to creating a successful B2B campaign.


First of all, what is B2B PR?

B2B is short for business-to-business and B2B PR is essentially a way of one business communicating with another business. On the other hand, B2C means business to consumer.

So, when it comes to creating a successful B2B PR campaign, what do you need to know?


Set objectives

 As mentioned at the start of the blog, before you do anything else it’s important to examine what the desired outcome of the campaign is. Raising awareness of the business is likely to be part of the campaign KPIs, or perhaps it’s a specific issue or topic that the business would like to champion. Maybe you want to build-up your email database, generate interest in an event or up for a webinar or event or increase social media followers. Whatever the campaign objectives it is vital that they are clear from the start.


Know your audience and how to target them

Now you have your objectives set, it’s time to delve into your target audiences. For some clients, they may want to reach the key decision makers in a business, for others, maybe it’s a specific company department they need to get in front of. A recent example of this is a campaign we did here at Source for Evolve 4 where we had two very different target customers, food manufacturers and primary schools.

In order to establish exactly who those key audiences should be targeted and therefore how we could create a campaign to reach them, we gathered the team at Evolve and Source together and ran a persona workshop. Though these kinds of workshops can be lengthy, they are important as along with objectives they form the foundations of the campaign.


Research and brainstorming for a PR campaign

 The fun part! Now it’s time to gather your team and have a brainstorming session. There’s no one size fits all approach to researching and brainstorming and every agency or business will work individually. A good rule of thumb to live by here is that no idea is a bad idea, give everyone the space to gather their thoughts and ideas, air them, write them down on paper or type them out – whatever works best. This shouldn’t be confined to the office, though. Many of us get our best ideas when on a walk, in the shower or during a conversation with a friend.


Channels to use for your PR campaign

 If you work in PR, you’ll have likely heard of the staple PESO model. PESO stands for paid, earned, shared and owned media channels, all of which naturally overlap to generate that integrated campaign. Analysing this model can help to determine which channels you’ll be using for your campaign.


Image from


Execution and measurement

Skipping straight to execution and measurement, once you’ve set out what channels you’ll be using during your campaign, you’ll need to actually do the work – that goes without saying! Draft and distribute the press releases, pitching in the feature articles, generate the video content, the list goes on.

Once your campaign is complete it’s time to measure results. Measuring results in PR is famously a sticky point and will depend on which channels you utilised for the campaign and the desired outcomes. At Source we have tools in place such as Ace Media which allows the team to capture and track print and online media coverage, as well as brand mentions, audience and lots more. This is just one example of how we measure success for our client’s B2B campaigns.

There we have it, that was B2B campaigns in a nutshell. If you think our team could help you with your next product launch, profile raising activity or social media content then get in touch.